tirsdag den 26. juni 2012

Overstimulering III

What Causes Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
Some enlargement of the ovaries is normal during fertility drug treatment. With ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, though, the ovaries become dangerously enlarged with fluid. This fluid can leak in to the belly and chest area, leading to complications. But the majority of the fluid doesn't come from the follicles themselves. Most of it comes from blood vessels that are "leaky" due to substances released from the ovary.
/jeg er vel næppe den eneste, der synes dette er virkelig klamt/

Symptoms of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
As noted above, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can only occur after ovulation has taken place. Symptoms may occur a few days after ovulation or IVF egg retrieval or they may not show up for a week or more after ovulation.
Mild symptoms include:
•Mild pain or discomfort in the abdomen
•Mild weight gain
•Mild nausea

More serious symptoms include:
•Rapid weight gain, more than 10 pounds in 3 to 5 days.
•Severe abdominal pain
•Severe bloating
•Severe nausea (so much that you can’t keep down any food or fluids)
•Trouble with urinating
•Shortness of breath
•Rapid heartbeat

If you develop a mild case of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, you probably won’t need special treatment.
Here are some things you can do at home to feel better:
•Take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as Tylenol.
•Don’t overexert yourself; take it easy while you recover.
•While you shouldn’t overexert yourself, you should maintain some light activity. Total bed rest can increase the risk of some complications.
•Put your feet up. This can help your body get rid of the extra fluid.
•Sex should be avoided until you feel better. Sexual activity may increase your discomfort, and in the worst case scenarios, may cause ovarian cysts to leak or rupture /yikes!/.
•Don’t drink alcohol (as if you would when you’re trying to get pregnant!) or caffeinated drinks, such as coffee /oooops!/, colas or caffeinated energy drinks.
•Do drink plenty of fluids, around 10 to 12 glasses a day. Drinks with electrolytes, such as Gatorade, are a good choice.
/sært at der intet står om proteinholding mad../

PS: Jeg har læst andre steder, at hormonerne også ofte forstyrrer fordøjelsen på forskellige måder. Så fik vi lige det på plads.

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